Originally Posted By: hybrid8
I was under the impression that Flashpoint was on CBS as well at some point.

Apparently it was:
Originally Posted By: Wikipedia
Although originally developed for a Canadian audience, it was announced on January 29, 2008 that American network CBS had purchased the rights to air the series in the United States,[13] making it the first Canadian TV series aired in prime time on a US broadcast network since Due South, also a CTV show aired by CBS.[14] In addition, Flashpoint is the first Canadian series aired by a major US broadcast network that is set entirely in Canada (as Due South was primarily set in Chicago but filmed in Toronto).

On March 5, 2008, CBS announced that Flashpoint would premiere on that network in July 2008.[15] CTV announced on May 8, 2008 that it would simulcast the show in Canada beginning on July 11, 2008.

But that also bolster's Bitt's point: Due South aired in 1994 and only ran for one season. So yeah, not a lot of Canadian series in prime time.

Of course there's also the old and new Degrassi which I'm pretty sure had at least mild popularity in the US if Kevin Smith was a fan.

Extremely mild. Kevin Smith's fondness of it doesn't mean it has a big following. I've only ever talked to a single person who even knew about the show(s). They aired on "The N" here, which is the teen version of Nickelodeon. Sorry, it's not a well known show. I tried watching it a few times, but it's just not my kind of thing. I'm not really into soapy kind of shows, especially not teen ones. But I respected the issues they tackled. Sadly it seems the US edited a few episodes to make them less controversial.

How about Trailer Park Boys, Corner Gas and Little Mosque on the Prairie? I just pulled these out kinf of randomly as I don't watch them myself.

I've never heard of the latter two, and the only reason I've heard of the first is because Netflix, in another confirmation that they wasted $1 million on that suggestion contest, keeps trying to show it to me. I watched ten minutes of it and hated it. The characters were just beyond annoying.

Combat Hospital was a summer show this past year and is supposed to be coming back to ABC. It was rather successful and replaced their failed tropical medical show.

Um...I'm not sure how you measure success. From Wikipedia:
On 24 August 2011 ABC announced that they were skipping the eleventh episode of season 1 and moving the season finale date by one week, from 13 September 2011 to 6 September 2011.[16] The eleventh episode was still shown in Canada, along with episode 12 on 30 August 2011.[17]


ABC announced on October 24, 2011 that Combat Hospital had been cancelled.[2]