Originally Posted By: tahir
Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Both US and UK versions of Being Human

There's a US version? Better not tell the missus

Yup, there is. In the UK version, do the three main characters just tend to sit around moping about how awful their lives are? Because most of the US series is like that. At least four times in every episode, some combination of the three housemates will sit down with each other and talk about how terrible it is to be them, while some sappy-sad music plays in the background. It's pretty terrible. But I still watch it...

Originally Posted By: tahir
I thought Sherlock was better than the Guy Ritchie version (they're fun but not Sherlock Holmes) at being Sherlock but still too jazzed up, why do they do the visual thing where you can see the numbers and words that I guess are running through his mind? Shouldn't the modern version have him smoking crack?

Sherlock is far superior to the Guy Ritchie films. In pretty much every way.