Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Current favorite show: Justified.

I keep saying that I'm going to try that show again but I never do. I just wasn't really my thing. ...but I'll give it another try smile

Currently still testing/watching but is extremely annoying: The River. The fake documentary camera stuff makes it look/feel like shit. This show is going to be cancelled any minute now.

I'm so very sick of the "found footage" thing. It's the same problem with that movie "Chronicle." They constantly have to justify/acknowledge the cameras, so they have to waste a lot of time with dialog like "hey man, are you really filming this?" throughout the whole thing. It's also hard to believe that they would be filming every moment that you see, though at least the River has a documentary film crew along for the ride to give that explanation.

The River seems like it would be a really interesting show if it didn't have the found footage thing going on. I really wish they would take just a half-step back and shoot some of it normally with some of the found footage mixed in. I think that could work well.

I think my other problem with the found footage idea is that it's just what it says: found. Somebody found this stuff, implying that nobody you're watching got out of this situation. There's only so many times I can watch these things and root for people I know for certain aren't going to make it.

This is all without addressing my biggest issue with Paranormal Activity 3 (which my wife dragged me to) - queasiness! I regularly had to shut my eyes for extended periods because any time someone was hand-carrying a camera I was sick to my stomach. But that's a smaller issue that not everyone will have. I just happen to get motion sickness really easily.