I'm happy to see this recall. It shows that the people are still in charge in California. The problem with this country is the power of the government. The government is no longer run by public servants; rather, they are the masters, and the 'civilians' are the servants. It has been etched into the minds of millions that the government is the ruler of their lives and they must obey.
There is a 'liberal' movement in this country, where liberation is the last thing on their minds. Higher taxes are a priority, as that gives them more power over individuals and increases their reach as totalitarian rulers. Secondly, they perpetuate unconventional thinking - philosophies that go against those that have been around for thousands of years. Afterall, they can't have their future subjects be rational thinkers. And of course, as the fuhrer of germany once said, the first thing you have to do before you seize total control is disarm the people. Having an armed public threatens the liberals' view of an all-controlling government, united with the one-ruling world government. It's no surprise the UN doesn't want 'peasants' owning guns.
There are two types of liberals. The first type has a vision of what this country and the world will be like in the coming future. Socialist totalitarianism. Everyone works for the government. The freedom to pursue happiness and liberty is a thing of the past, but of course now there is no crime and everyone is safe. They will no longer be afraid of their own destiny, just as a criminal in jail knows he is safely tucked in his cell with three meals a day, while a television calmy passifies his mind - he has no uncertainty about what the future will bring. The world is united as one, by one. There is no war, except for the war to kill Israel, the last stronghold of the enemy. To keep track of and control the subjects of the world, everyone is fitted with barcodes on their bodies. These are used for trade and as a replacement monetary system for paper money. It is no coincidence that all barcodes contain three number 6's coded within. How much of this wishful vision the type 1 liberal sees varies, but one thing is for certain. Every new law they fight for and their whole outlook on how life should be is only to diminish the existing rights of the people. The masses must be conditioned to the point that they want to give away their rights, that they want to serve the ruling beast.
The second type of liberal is the result of this mind conditioning. Liberal women are easily terrified by violent images of guns or promises of global warming. They are easily duped into believing propaganda, and are absolutely frightened by the prospect of mass hysteria. They have no desire for knowledge. They are not experts in any special field of work. If someone tells them something, they believe it. The more forcefully it is told to them, the more they believe it. So-called studies are done everyday by so-called scientists, who come to conclusions that are accepted as fact and truth. This is being done today. Do not trust your instincts, don't trust the beliefs that were passed down through countless generations, don't trust what you've learned throughout your entire life, trust what you are being told. Trust the scientifically proven.
Liberal men are, simply put, feminized males. "The strongest sign of decay of a nation is the feminization of men and the masculization of women." The society filled with bi-gender women, devoid of honorable men, thirsts for a hyper-masculine police state to keep order. These feminized men are not confident in their ability to create their own destiny and to care for themselves and their family. They ignore rational thinking and logic. They have no women of any integrity to keep them sane. They do not value or respect courage, ingenuity, or wisdom. They adopt the beliefs and fears of the liberal woman. They have little capacity to think for themselves, or to analyze their environment. They essentially never became men. They are afraid of confrontation, and would never stand up for what is right. They are cowards who value their lives more than anything, as they are afraid of what will come with death.
"The country that draws a broad line between its fighting men and its thinking men will find its fighting done by fools and its thinking done by cowards."
There are, however, many men and women who stand for what is right. They will not obey or bow down to a ruler. They will not work as a slave for the government, and they will not yield power or their God given rights to a ruling elite. It was men like these who fought on April 19, 1775 in Concord, and men like these who fought in the uprising of the Warsaw ghetto in the spring of 1943. These people will fight at all costs to preserve their liberty. This is why disarming the public is essential to the type-1 liberal's vision. A type-2 liberal is afraid of guns. They are not concerned with the functionality of firearms or the necessity to have one. All they know is that they are bad and scary just as they've been told, and they threaten their precious lives. Therefore, in their eyes, guns should only be in the hands of the almighty protectors, the rulers. Currently, an outright gun ban in America would ignite an immediate defiance and revolt, which would spread like wildfire and the type-1 liberals would lose all control over the hearts and minds of all the type-2 liberals in this country. So, for the past several years they have adopted the strategy of banning firearms incrementally.
"They came for the Jews, but I wasn't a Jew, so I didn't speak out. They came for the trade unionists, but I wasn't a trade unionist, so I didn't speak out. They came for the Catholics, but I wasn't a Catholic, so I didn't speak out. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out."
First, ban the scary looking ones. Then, we'll ban the cheap ones. Then we'll ban the most powerful ones. Each new gun law is passed off as a sensible infringement on article two of the Bill of Rights.
"A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
The second amendment has been infringed many times over.
Buy a rifle and become proficient with it. Hold on to it like you would hold on to your freedom. An armed public is the best defense against oppression, invading armies, and the common criminal. The type-1 liberal's vision will never come to pass if americans keep their values, embrace common sense and wisdom, and stay well-armed. If the liberals seize total power of this country, there will be a bloody civil war. Type-1 and type-2 liberals are infesting the entire world, and they have their sights on America as the next obstacle to a world government and the destruction of Israel.
After 9/11, many americans got a reality check. Many type-2 liberals were instantly converted into rational individuals. The inevitable war against the liberals will come, and hopefully that war will not be on our own soil and amongst ourselves.