In my language "all" means there are none for which it is not true, and yet, the one conveniently on my desk on a CPU upgrade has none
For the sake of clarity, I do believe that he was offering a vision of the future, not the way things are today.

For my own part, I think that a lot of "liberal" thinking has some fundamental flaws that take it in the wrong direction from the beginning. However, it is equally clear that while my values do tend to line up with the conservative party in this country, there are things that equally disturb me there as well.

We love to cry foul with things like the recall and the last Presidential election, but neither of those things were about Republicans and Democrats. Either party in the same positions would have done the same things. It's just left to the other party to complain about it. I still am not exactly sure why this recall vote is happening, and when I asked a politically minded co-worker, his response was "he's a democrat, isn't that enough?" *sigh*
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.