Man, It's been a while since I've done this...
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> It shows that the people are still in charge in California.
No, it shows that if you have enough money, you can force a recall vote.
Recalls have often been attempted in California against statewide officials and legislators. All governors in the last 30 years have faced some level of recall attempt. Significantly, none of the recall attempts aimed at statewide officials has ever reached the voting stage. However, recall efforts against state legislators have reached the voting stage, and four were actually recalled. Senator Marshall Black (R-Santa Clara County) was recalled in 1913, followed by Senator Edwin Grant (D-San Franisco) in 1914, and by Assembly members Paul Horcher (R-Los Angeles County) and Doris Allen (R-Orange County) in 1995. There have been many successful recall attempts at the local government level in California.
If you have enough money in a populist state you can force a recall vote. That is true. However both parties have more than enough money to force a vote on any given candidate. If money was all it took, opposing parties would start recall campaigns as soon as they lost elections.
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Yeah, trust the basless beliefs that our ancestors used instead of facts.
Everyone believes based on percieved facts, whether modern or prehistoric in time period. Unless you can prove the perception to be false, claiming all tradition is baseless is as silly as claiming all new understanding is baseless.
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Yep, women should be barefoot, naked and pregnant cooking dinner and men should be out hunting for food. Gender roles should never change.
I don't know what the originator's beliefs are, but believing in gender differences/roles is a far cry from "barefoot in the kitchen" models. Such slippery slope arguments are unlike you and should be avoided.