> Everyone believes based on percieved facts, whether modern or prehistoric in time period. Unless you can prove the perception to be false, claiming all tradition is baseless is as silly as claiming all new understanding is baseless.

Yes, but the implied argument (through the sarcasm) was that what science says is not as accurate or important as what our ancestors said, just because our ancestors said it, which is complete and utter BS. He makes the same argument for "instincts" which is also a complete crock. The scientific method is a far superior way of determining truth than your gut feeling or what our ignorant ancestors thought.

> don't know what the originator's beliefs are...Such slippery slope arguments are unlike you and should be avoided.

This is d33zy we are talking about here. I just assume the worst and am usually correct. In any event, it is clear that that this is about feminism and/or homosexuality, both of which I already know he hates. If he wants to be more clear in what he is ranting about this time, I would be more than happy to address it more specifically.
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