> However both parties have more than enough money to force a vote on any given candidate. If money was all it took

No, that is not all it takes. It also take a certain amount of sliminess to abuse and corrupt a process that is meant for recalling corrupt politicans and turning it into a partisan weapon. The Republicans seem to have a gift for this. Note that of the four recalls you mentioned, the only two to happen in modern times was the recall of Horcher and Allen, who were recalled by the Republican party because they sided with the Democrats on a crucial vote. And I should not even have to mention the Clinton impeachment.

No, all it takes is money and low morals. The guy behind the recall, Darrell Issa, has both. Multiple arrests, though only one conviction, offer plenty of evidence of the latter. And no doubt he is rich. No, all you have to do is donate a million or so to the recall campaign to hire people to get signatures for you. Mind you, these are professional signature gatherers that care little what they are getting signatures for, but have a lot of practice wheedling people to get them. Just sucker enough people in and you too can force a recall election, and hurt the state of California in the process.
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