d33zy, as usual your posts are drivel filled with more straw men than Kansas. I will just touch on a couple of things:

> It shows that the people are still in charge in California.

No, it shows that if you have enough money, you can force a recall vote.

> [all said with sarcasm] Do not trust your instincts, don't trust the beliefs that were passed down through countless generations, don't trust what you've learned throughout your entire life, trust what you are being told. Trust the scientifically proven.

Yeah, trust the basless beliefs that our ancestors used instead of facts. Believe the earth is flat, flame is one of the four basic elements, and a tiger penis can cure impotence. Be one of those people that believes that common sense says that if an ordinary penny comes up heads 10 times in a row that it is 10 times more likely to come up tails than heads on the next toss. Believe global warming is a myth because it was cool this year. Be ignorant just because our ancestors were.

> The strongest sign of decay of a nation is the feminization of men and the masculization of women."

Yep, women should be barefoot, naked and pregnant cooking dinner and men should be out hunting for food. Gender roles should never change.

As for the rest of it; I don't even know where to start. It is so far from reality I do not even think I need to really say anything at all.

Edit: fixed typos
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