It's possible to be liberal without having subjugation in mind. It's possible to socialist without advocatin totalitarianism. I agree with some of what you're saying, but you're way too conspiracy-theorist for me. Oddly the liberal movement you describe seems to have as much in common with the theoretically conservative Bush government as it did the previous Clinton government, if not more.

I don't think a gun ban is the answer to gun violence problems. I think the underlying factor(s) need to be addressed. A social welfare system might be one way of addressing them, but it might not. We have no experience to indicate it isn't, and everything else seems to be done by experimentation, so I can see a place for this to occur somewhere as an exercise to see what can be done.

Of course, this is just the man trying to tax you and keep you under his thumb, and not an attempt to rectify any actual problems in this country, I'm sure.

I'm frustrated with the direction we're going. Protectionism in the face of free trade would seem to be a futile endeavour, and yet, we are exporting entire industries. If a war would ever happen, well, what if we're cut off from our now-offshore sources for things like shoes, or microchips, or whatever? And what of all the people who now suddenly find themselves unemployed? After a while, the unskilled or semi-skilled position you lost and have been unable to replace with anything near comparable in terms of wages will result in problems in your life. Taking up arms might be one result of the frustration. Killing some random person isn't going to fix the problem though. It doesn't make the gun the problem. The person is the problem, and their situation the catalyst. Getting rid of the catalyst is a better answer than removing guns from law-abiding citizens or trying to profile to figure out who's likely to crack. It's the choice that *doesn't* involve walking all over people, but it requires money.

Liberties are important, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to have something to be free *for*. Conversely, having something to be free for shouldn't mean throwing away our freedoms, and that, sadly, is the direction things are pointing.

"It is no coincidence that all barcodes contain three number 6's coded within." means you and I speak different languages anyhow. In my language "all" means there are none for which it is not true, and yet, the one conveniently on my desk on a CPU upgrade has none.

So there's no point in even trying.