I suppose my problem is with the scanning software. The program that comes with the HP scanner I'm using is awful. I can't tell how to do it other than the following method:

File > Import > [HP scanner model] > wait for the preview > select the area > Accept Scan > wait for it to scan and import into Photoshop > save slide

What dpi should I save at? What file format? To save a TIFF of a whole scanner bed at 2400 dpi, for example, appears like it would be nearly 1GB. I've got a lot of pages to scan here.

I guess the other daunting task is to put the photos back into the book. the album is not as old as the photos, but probably almost 20 now. The adhesive from the pages is pretty much broken once the photos are removed, and it doesn't help that they're all curling up once removed. Well, maybe I'll go buy some new pages...

Oh, and I'm using Photoshop CS for the importing