Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Looks like NBC may be canceling The Firm, easily the best 1 hour program they have on the network.

Even without ever seeing it I can't argue that point. Their hour-longs are pretty bad. I tried to watch Grimm and it's just no good.

While I wish they wouldn't out-right replace a show you like, I can't wait for Awake to air. That show has easily been my most anticipated show since the summer. The trailer for Awake was incredible and moved me more than most shows do. When I showed it to my wife she nearly teared up! I'm really looking forward to that.

I'm sorry it's killing a show you like. I hate when that happens. Why Saturday night? What do they have on Tuesdays, for example? You're right, though. Saturday is the show killer. Friday nights are pretty bad, but Saturday is the TV death knell.

Okay, it looks like they have Parenthood at their Tuesday 10pm slot. Well, why do they need to have 2 hours of Biggest Loser on before that?